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Level 1
This is a submodule of mir.glas.
The Level 1 GLAS perform vector and vector-vector operations.
All functions except iamax work with multidimensional tensors.
GLAS does not provide swap, scal, and copy functions.
This functionality is part of ndslice package. Examples can be found below.
rot | apply Givens rotation |
axpy | constant times a vector plus a vector |
dot | dot product |
dotc | dot product, conjugating the first vector |
Function Name | Description |
nrm2 | Euclidean norm |
sqnrm2 | square of Euclidean norm |
asum | sum of absolute values |
iamax | index of max abs value |
amax | max abs value |
Ilya Yaroshenko
import std.algorithm.mutation: swap; import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; import mir.algorithm.iteration: each; import std.typecons: Yes; auto x = slice!double(4); auto y = slice!double(4); x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; y[] = [4, 5, 6, 7]; each!(swap)(x, y); assert(x == [4, 5, 6, 7]); assert(y == [0, 1, 2, 3]);
import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; import std.typecons: Yes; auto x = slice!double(4); x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; x[] *= 2.0; assert(x == [0, 2, 4, 6]);
import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto x = slice!double(4); auto y = slice!double(4); x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; y[] = x; assert(y == [0, 1, 2, 3]);
- void
(C, S, SliceKind kind1, SliceKind kind2, size_t N, Iterator1, Iterator2)(in Cc
, in Ss
, Slice!(Iterator1, N, kind1)x
, Slice!(Iterator2, N, kind2)y
); - Applies a plane rotation, where the
(cos) ands
(sin) are scalars. Uses unrolled loops for strides equal to one.Parameters:C c
cos scalar S s
sin scalar Slice!(Iterator1, N, kind1) x
first n-dimensional tensor Slice!(Iterator2, N, kind2) y
second n-dimensional tensor BLAS SROT, DROT, CROT, ZROT, CSROT, ZDROTF
Examples:import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto x = slice!double(4); auto y = slice!double(4); auto a = slice!double(4); auto b = slice!double(4); double cos = 3.0 / 5; double sin = 4.0 / 5; x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; y[] = [4, 5, 6, 7]; foreach (i; 0 .. 4) { a[i] = cos * x[i] + sin * y[i]; b[i] = cos * y[i] - sin * x[i]; } rot(cos, sin, x, y); assert(x == a); assert(y == b);
- void
(A, SliceKind kind1, SliceKind kind2, size_t N, Iterator1, Iterator2)(in Aa
, Slice!(Iterator1, N, kind1)x
, Slice!(Iterator2, N, kind2)y
); - Constant times a vector plus a vector. Uses unrolled loops for strides equal to one.Parameters:
A a
scale parameter Slice!(Iterator1, N, kind1) x
first n-dimensional tensor Slice!(Iterator2, N, kind2) y
second n-dimensional tensor BLAS SAXPY, DAXPY, CAXPY, ZAXPY
Examples:SAXPY, DAXPYimport mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto x = slice!double(4); auto y = slice!double(4); x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; y[] = [4, 5, 6, 7]; axpy(2.0, x, y); assert(y == [4, 7, 10, 13]);
Examples:SAXPY, DAXPYimport mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto a = 3 + 4i; auto x = slice!cdouble(2); auto y = slice!cdouble(2); x[] = [0 + 1i, 2 + 3i]; y[] = [4 + 5i, 6 + 7i]; axpy(a, x, y); assert(y == [a * (0 + 1i) + (4 + 5i), a * (2 + 3i) + (6 + 7i)]);
- F
(F, SliceKind kind1, SliceKind kind2, size_t N, Iterator1, Iterator2)(Slice!(Iterator1, N, kind1)x
, Slice!(Iterator2, N, kind2)y
(SliceKind kind1, SliceKind kind2, size_t N, Iterator1, Iterator2)(Slice!(Iterator1, N, kind1)x
, Slice!(Iterator2, N, kind2)y
); - Forms the dot product of two vectors. Uses unrolled loops for strides equal to one.Returns:dot product conj(
ᐪ) ×y
Parameters:F type for summation (optional template parameter) Slice!(Iterator1, N, kind1) x
first n-dimensional tensor Slice!(Iterator2, N, kind2) y
second n-dimensional tensor BLAS SDOT, DDOT, SDSDOT, DSDOT, CDOTC, ZDOTC
Examples:SDOT, DDOTimport mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto x = slice!double(4); auto y = slice!double(4); x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; y[] = [4, 5, 6, 7]; assert(dot(x, y) == 5 + 12 + 21);
Examples:SDOT, DDOTimport mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto x = slice!double(4); auto y = slice!double(4); x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; y[] = [4, 5, 6, 7]; assert(dot(x, y) == 5 + 12 + 21);
Examples:SDSDOT, DSDOTimport mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto x = slice!float(4); auto y = slice!float(4); x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; y[] = [4, 5, 6, 7]; assert(dot!real(x, y) == 5 + 12 + 21); // 80-bit FP for x86 CPUs
Examples:CDOTU, ZDOTUimport mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto x = slice!cdouble(2); auto y = slice!cdouble(2); x[] = [0 + 1i, 2 + 3i]; y[] = [4 + 5i, 6 + 7i]; version(LDC) // DMD Internal error: backend/cgxmm.c 628 assert(dot(x, y) == (0 + 1i) * (4 + 5i) + (2 + 3i) * (6 + 7i));
- F
(F, SliceKind kind1, SliceKind kind2, size_t N, Iterator1, Iterator2)(Slice!(Iterator1, N, kind1)x
, Slice!(Iterator2, N, kind2)y
if (isComplex!(DeepElementType!(typeof(x
))) && isComplex!(DeepElementType!(typeof(y
(SliceKind kind1, SliceKind kind2, size_t N, Iterator1, Iterator2)(Slice!(Iterator1, N, kind1)x
, Slice!(Iterator2, N, kind2)y
); - Forms the dot product of two complex vectors. Uses unrolled loops for strides equal to one.Returns:dot product
ᐪ ×y
Parameters:F type for summation (optional template parameter) Slice!(Iterator1, N, kind1) x
first n-dimensional tensor Slice!(Iterator2, N, kind2) y
second n-dimensional tensor BLAS CDOTU, ZDOTU
Examples:CDOTC, ZDOTCimport mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto x = slice!cdouble(2); auto y = slice!cdouble(2); x[] = [0 + 1i, 2 + 3i]; y[] = [4 + 5i, 6 + 7i]; version(LDC) // DMD Internal error: backend/cgxmm.c 628 assert(dotc(x, y) == (0 + -1i) * (4 + 5i) + (2 + -3i) * (6 + 7i));
- F
(F, SliceKind kind, size_t N, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind)x
(SliceKind kind, size_t N, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind)x
); - Returns the euclidean norm of a vector. Uses unrolled loops for stride equal to one.Returns:euclidean norm sqrt(conj(
ᐪ) ×x
)Parameters:F type for summation (optional template parameter) Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) x
n-dimensional tensor BLAS SNRM2, DNRM2, SCNRM2, DZNRM2
Examples:SNRM2, DNRM2import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; import std.math: sqrt, approxEqual; auto x = slice!double(4); x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; assert(nrm2(x).approxEqual(sqrt(1.0 + 4 + 9)));
Examples:SCNRM2, DZNRM2import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; import std.math: sqrt, approxEqual; auto x = slice!cdouble(2); x[] = [0 + 1i, 2 + 3i]; assert(nrm2(x).approxEqual(sqrt(1.0 + 4 + 9)));
- F
(F, SliceKind kind, size_t N, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind)x
(SliceKind kind, size_t N, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind)x
); - Forms the square of the euclidean norm. Uses unrolled loops for stride equal to one.Returns:conj(
ᐪ) ×x
Parameters:F type for summation (optional template parameter) Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) x
n-dimensional tensor Examples:import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto x = slice!double(4); x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; assert(sqnrm2(x) == 1.0 + 4 + 9);
Examples:import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto x = slice!cdouble(2); x[] = [0 + 1i, 2 + 3i]; assert(sqnrm2(x) == 1.0 + 4 + 9);
- F
(F, SliceKind kind, size_t N, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind)x
(SliceKind kind, size_t N, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind)x
); - Takes the sum of the |Re(.)| + |Im(.)|'s of a vector and returns a single precision result.Returns:sum of the |Re(.)| + |Im(.)|'sParameters:
F type for summation (optional template parameter) Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) x
n-dimensional tensor BLAS SASUM, DASUM, SCASUM, DZASUM
Examples:SASUM, DASUMimport mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto x = slice!double(4); x[] = [0, -1, -2, 3]; assert(asum(x) == 1 + 2 + 3);
Examples:SCASUM, DZASUMimport mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto x = slice!cdouble(2); x[] = [0 - 1i, -2 + 3i]; assert(asum(x) == 1 + 2 + 3);
- sizediff_t
(Iterator, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, 1, kind)x
); - Finds the index of the first element having maximum |Re(.)| + |Im(.)|.
Return index of the first element having maximum |Re(.)| + |Im(.)|
Parameters:Slice!(Iterator, 1, kind) x
1-dimensional tensor BLAS ISAMAX, IDAMAX, ICAMAX, IZAMAX
Examples:ISAMAX, IDAMAXimport mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto x = slice!double(6); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 x[] = [0, -1, -2, -3, 3, 2]; assert(iamax(x) == 3); // -1 for empty vectors assert(iamax(x[0 .. 0]) == -1);
Examples:ICAMAX, IZAMAXimport mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto x = slice!cdouble(4); // 0 1 2 3 x[] = [0 + -1i, -2 + 3i, 2 + 3i, 2 + 2i]; assert(iamax(x) == 1); // -1 for empty vectors assert(iamax(x[$ .. $]) == -1);
- auto
(SliceKind kind, size_t N, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind)x
); - Takes the sum of the |Re(.)| + |Im(.)|'s of a vector and returns a single precision result.Returns:sum of the |Re(.)| + |Im(.)|'sParameters:
Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) x
n-dimensional tensor BLAS SASUM, DASUM, SCASUM, DZASUM
Examples:import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto x = slice!double(6); x[] = [0, -1, -2, -7, 6, 2]; assert(amax(x) == 7); // 0 for empty vectors assert(amax(x[0 .. 0]) == 0);
Examples:import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; auto x = slice!cdouble(4); x[] = [0 + -1i, -7 + 3i, 2 + 3i, 2 + 2i]; assert(amax(x) == 10); // 0 for empty vectors assert(amax(x[$ .. $]) == 0);
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Ddoc on Sun Nov 15 09:37:38 2020